-rw-r--r-- 10504 high-ctidh-20210504/csidh.c
#include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "csidh.h" #include "fp.h" #include "primes.h" #include "int64mask.h" #include "elligator.h" #include "random.h" #include "crypto_declassify.h" const public_key base = {0}; /* A = 0 */ static void clearpublicprimes(proj *P,const proj *A24,int outsideblock[primes_batches]) { // clear powers of 2 xDBL(P,P,A24,0); xDBL(P,P,A24,0); // clear primes outside all batches for (int64_t j = primes_batchstop[primes_batches-1];j < primes_num;++j) xMUL_dac(P,A24,0,P,primes_dac[j],primes_daclen[j],primes_daclen[j]); // clear primes in the batches outside this block for (int64_t i = 0;i < primes_batches;++i) if (outsideblock[i]) for (int64_t j = primes_batchstart[i];j < primes_batchstop[i];++j) xMUL_dac(P,A24,0,P,primes_dac[j],primes_daclen[j],primes_daclen[j]); } long long csidh_stattried[primes_batches]; long long csidh_statsucceeded[primes_batches]; /* goal: constant time */ void action(public_key *out, public_key const *in, private_key const *priv) { proj A = {in->A,fp_1}; proj A24; xA24(&A24,&A); int64_t batchtodo[primes_batches]; int64_t batchtodosum = 0; for (int64_t i = 0;i < primes_batches;++i) batchtodosum += batchtodo[i] = primes_batchbound[i]; int64_t todonegativemask[primes_num]; // -1 for negative exponent, else 0 int64_t todo[primes_num]; // absolute value of exponent for (int64_t i = 0;i < primes_num;++i) { int64_t ei = priv->e[i]; todonegativemask[i] = int64mask_negative(ei); ei ^= todonegativemask[i]&(ei^-ei); todo[i] = ei; } while (batchtodosum > 0) { // each target is a batch with batchtodo>0 int64_t target[primes_batches]; int64_t targetstart[primes_batches]; int64_t targetstop[primes_batches]; int64_t targetmaxdaclen[primes_batches]; int64_t targetlen = 0; for (int64_t b = 0;b < primes_batches;++b) if (batchtodo[b]) target[targetlen++] = b; // trying to optimize order of targets if (targetlen > 3) { for (int64_t i = 0;i < targetlen-2;++i) { int64_t j = targetlen-3-i; if (i < j) { int64_t b = target[i]; target[i] = target[j]; target[j] = b; } } // order now looks like 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 7 int64_t b = target[0]; target[0] = target[targetlen-2]; target[targetlen-2] = b; // order now looks like 6 4 3 2 1 0 5 7 } for (int64_t i = 0;i < targetlen;++i) for (int64_t j = i+1;j < targetlen;++j) assert(target[i] != target[j]); for (int64_t i = 0;i < targetlen;++i) { int64_t b = target[i]; targetstart[i] = primes_batchstart[b]; targetstop[i] = primes_batchstop[b]; targetmaxdaclen[i] = primes_batchmaxdaclen[b]; } int64_t targetmask[primes_batches]; int64_t targetindex[primes_batches]; int64_t targetprime[primes_batches]; int64_t targetnegative[primes_batches]; int64_t targetdac[primes_batches]; int64_t targetdaclen[primes_batches]; // goal for // targetmask[i],targetindex[i],targetprime[i],targetnegative[i]: // 0,primes[targetstart[i]],1,0 if all todo[j] in target i are 0 // -1,j,primes[j],0 if first nonzero todo[j] is positive // -1,j,primes[j],-1 if first nonzero todo[j] is negative for (int64_t i = 0;i < targetlen;++i) { targetmask[i] = 0; targetindex[i] = targetstart[i]; targetprime[i] = primes[targetstart[i]]; targetdac[i] = primes_dac[targetstart[i]]; targetdaclen[i] = primes_daclen[targetstart[i]]; targetnegative[i] = 0; for (int64_t j = targetstart[i];j < targetstop[i];++j) { int64_t updatemask = int64mask_nonzero(todo[j]); updatemask &= ~targetmask[i]; targetnegative[i] ^= updatemask&todonegativemask[j]; targetindex[i] ^= updatemask&(targetindex[i]^j); targetprime[i] ^= updatemask&(targetprime[i]^primes[j]); targetdac[i] ^= updatemask&(targetdac[i]^primes_dac[j]); targetdaclen[i] ^= updatemask&(targetdaclen[i]^primes_daclen[j]); targetmask[i] ^= updatemask; } } int64_t shuffleprimedac[primes_num]; int64_t shuffleprimedaclen[primes_num]; // shuffle means: selected prime is at beginning of each batch for (int64_t i = 0;i < targetlen;++i) { for (int64_t j = targetstart[i]+1;j < targetstop[i];++j) { int64_t moveright = ~int64mask_negative(targetindex[i]-j); shuffleprimedac[j] = primes_dac[j]^(moveright&(primes_dac[j]^primes_dac[j-1])); shuffleprimedaclen[j] = primes_daclen[j]^(moveright&(primes_daclen[j]^primes_daclen[j-1])); } shuffleprimedac[targetstart[i]] = targetdac[i]; shuffleprimedaclen[targetstart[i]] = targetdaclen[i]; } int outsideblock[primes_batches]; for (int64_t i = 0;i < primes_batches;++i) outsideblock[i] = !batchtodo[i]; // batchtodo[i] will change while block is processed proj P[2]; elligator(&P[0],&P[1],&A); for (int64_t i = 0;i < targetlen;++i) { int64_t primelowerbound = primes[targetstart[i]]; // P[0] on curve, P[1] on twist // exception: if i==targetlen-1, don't care about the point we won't use // restrictions on orders for P[0],P[1]: // have cleared all targetprime[j] for j<i (by multiplication or isogeny) // _if_ i>0, have also cleared outside primes (by multiplication) proj_cswap(&P[0],&P[1],-targetnegative[i]); if (i == 0) { // P[0] just came out of elligator; clear irrelevant primes clearpublicprimes(&P[0],&A24,outsideblock); for (int64_t t = 0;t < targetlen;++t) for (int64_t j = targetstart[t]+1;j < targetstop[t];++j) xMUL_dac(&P[0],&A24,0,&P[0],shuffleprimedac[j],shuffleprimedaclen[j],targetmaxdaclen[t]); // will replace P[1] before it is used so skip it here } // if targetnegative[i]: P[1] on curve, P[0] on twist // else: P[0] on curve, P[1] on twist // either way: have cleared outside primes from P[0] // for i>0: have cleared outside primes from P[1] proj K = P[0]; for (int64_t j = i+1;j < targetlen;++j) xMUL_dac(&K,&A24,0,&K,targetdac[j],targetdaclen[j],targetmaxdaclen[j]); int64_t maskrightorder = fp_iszero(&K.z)-1; // maskrightorder is -1 with probability 1-1/targetprime[i], // which is at least 1-1/primelowerbound maskrightorder &= random_coin(targetprime[i]*(primelowerbound-1),primelowerbound*(targetprime[i]-1)); // coin is -1 with probability (1-1/primelowerbound)/(1-1/targetprime[i]) // so maskrightorder is now -1 with probability 1-1/primelowerbound crypto_declassify(&maskrightorder,sizeof maskrightorder); assert(maskrightorder >= -1); assert(maskrightorder <= 0); csidh_stattried[target[i]] += 1; csidh_statsucceeded[target[i]] -= maskrightorder; int64_t maskisogeny = maskrightorder&targetmask[i]; // XXX: if i=0 and targetlen=2, could push 0 points if (i == targetlen-2 && targetlen > 2) { // push only one point through second-to-last isogeny // namely the one with sign matching the last isogeny // which is maybe in position P[1]... proj_cmov(&P[0],&P[1],-(targetnegative[i+1]^targetnegative[i])); } // if i==targetlen-2 && targetlen>2: // if targetnegative[i+1]: P[1] on curve, P[0] on twist // else: P[0] on curve, P[1] on twist // else: // if targetnegative[i]: P[1] on curve, P[0] on twist // else: P[0] on curve, P[1] on twist if (maskrightorder) { proj Anew = A; proj Pnew[2] = {P[0],P[1]}; int64_t Pnewlen; if (i == targetlen-1) Pnewlen = 0; // skip pushing points through last isogeny else if (i == 0) Pnewlen = 1; // will replace second point else Pnewlen = 2; if (i == targetlen-2 && targetlen > 2) Pnewlen = 1; xISOG_matryoshka(&Anew,Pnew,Pnewlen,&K,targetprime[i],primes[targetstart[i]],primes[targetstop[i]-1]); proj_cmov(&A,&Anew,-maskisogeny); xA24(&A24,&A); if (Pnewlen > 0) proj_cmov(&P[0],&Pnew[0],-maskisogeny); if (Pnewlen > 1) proj_cmov(&P[1],&Pnew[1],-maskisogeny); } if (i == 0) { proj plus; // generate independent point on second curve // or on twist, opposite of first elligator(&plus,&P[1],&A); proj_cswap(&plus,&P[1],-targetnegative[i]); clearpublicprimes(&P[1],&A24,outsideblock); for (int64_t t = 0;t < targetlen;++t) for (int64_t j = targetstart[t]+1;j < targetstop[t];++j) xMUL_dac(&P[1],&A24,0,&P[1],shuffleprimedac[j],shuffleprimedaclen[j],targetmaxdaclen[t]); } // if i==targetlen-2 && targetlen>2: // if targetnegative[i+1]: P[1] on curve, P[0] on twist // else: P[0] on curve, P[1] on twist // else: // if targetnegative[i]: P[1] on curve, P[0] on twist // else: P[0] on curve, P[1] on twist // XXX: integrate the scalarmults below as much as possible into xISOG_matryoshka above if (i == targetlen-2 && targetlen > 2) { xMUL_dac(&P[0],&A24,0,&P[0],targetdac[i],targetdaclen[i],targetmaxdaclen[i]); P[1] = P[0]; } else if (i < targetlen-1) { proj_cswap(&P[0],&P[1],-targetnegative[i]); // now back to: P[0] on curve, P[1] on twist xMUL_dac(&P[0],&A24,0,&P[0],targetdac[i],targetdaclen[i],targetmaxdaclen[i]); xMUL_dac(&P[1],&A24,0,&P[1],targetdac[i],targetdaclen[i],targetmaxdaclen[i]); } // if i==targetlen-2 && targetlen>2: // if targetnegative[i+1]: P[0]=P[1] on twist // else: P[0]=P[1] on curve // else: // P[0] on curve, P[1] on twist for (int64_t j = targetstart[i];j < targetstop[i];++j) todo[j] += maskisogeny&int64mask_equal(j,targetindex[i]); batchtodo[target[i]] += maskrightorder; batchtodosum += maskrightorder; assert(batchtodo[target[i]] >= 0); assert(batchtodosum >= 0); } } fp_inv(&A.z); fp_mul2(&A.x,&A.z); A.z = fp_1; out->A = A.x; } /* includes public-key validation. */ bool csidh(public_key *out, public_key const *in, private_key const *priv) { if (!validate(in)) { fp_random(&out->A); return false; } action(out, in, priv); return true; }